Bayan Ulgi Region, west Mongolia 29 Jul-10 Aug 2008
| Nearly 2 weeks of fairly arduous travel by Furgon through some of the remotest territory on earth. Surprisingly, nearly everywhere we went we encountered nomadic Mongolians going about their daily lives - mostly either moving, or preparing to move, from their summer to autumn homes at the time we were there. Wonderfully friendly and generous, the people in this region of Mongolia are mostly Kazakhs but we encountered a number of people of more local ethnic origin, many of whom had encountered very few westerners. On our travels we saw cave paintings, rock carvings, ancient petroglyphs, eagle hunters, some wildlife, many domesticated animals (such as yak, camels, goats and dogs), many mountains, vast plains and deserts, a glacier and, of course, a total eclipse of the sun. Best of all, our guide Temujin, our driver, Heebat and our cook Norjeema helped us to safely see so much of their wonderful country. Thank you to them.